How Clear Blue's Smart Off-Grid Power is Enabling UN Sustainable Development Goals
Sustainable Development Goal 1 - No Poverty

To end poverty in all forms by 2030 by increasing basic resources and services, and supporting communities affected by conflict and climate disasters.
How Smart Off-Grid Helps
Clear Blue's Smart Off-Grid power maximizes reliability and uptime for internet connectivity services. Through remote management and control, Smart Off-Grid reduces costs by 40% compared to a traditional off-grid system. As a result, Smart Off-Grid supports connectivity anywhere in the world, providing greater access to life-saving resources such as education, healthcare, commerce, and other services which are crucial for alleviating poverty.
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Sustainable Goal 2 - Zero Hunger

To end hunger and undernourishment by 2030, with improved food security and nutrition and sustainable agriculture.
How Smart Off-Grid Helps
Clear Blue's remotely managed, Smart Off-Grid power enables reliable power to be delivered in urban jungles and remote rural areas. Where power and connectivity infrastructure are lacking, Smart Off-Grid power can enable connectivity and improve the productivity of the agricultural industry. In this way, Smart Off-Grid power will improve food security and contribute the UN's goal of Zero Hunger by 2030.
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Sustainable Goal 3 - Good Health and Well-Being

To reduce healthcare inequality, and ensure good global and well-being by establishing universal healthcare coverage.
How Smart Off-Grid Helps
Smart Off-Grid technology will enable connectivity to bring healthcare to the millions of people who lack it. Smart Off-Grid brings power to the areas of the world where it is most challenging. As well, Smart technology overcomes the cost and reliability barriers that have inhibited the deployment of telecom services in unconnected regions. By enabling connectivity and telehealth, Smart Off-Grid will drastically expand health services for people who lack basic healthcare.
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Sustainable Goal #4 - Quality Education
To ensure equal and affordable access to inclusive, quality education by 2030.
How Smart Off-Grid Helps
With many children left out of school since the shift to remote learning, the need for connectivity has only increased. The high costs of infrastructure implementation and maintenance, coupled with the low subscriber density renders rural connectivity cost-prohibitive and challenging. However, Smart Off-grid technology delivers low-cost, reliable power infrastructure for connectivity. Energy forecasting and remote management means that systems can be kept small, and upfront costs minimized. Remote management ensures reliability while virtually eliminating ongoing maintenance costs. By powering connectivity in the most challenging environments, Smart Off-Grid will help bring life-changing educational opportunities to millions of people.
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Sustainable Goal 5 - Gender Equality

To end discrimination against women and girls, and give women equal rights to land and property, sexual and reproductive health, and to technology and the internet.
How Smart Off-Grid Helps
The disparity between male and female job opportunities, wages, and financial inclusion can often be attributed to a gap in access to the internet. This way, achieving internet connectivity for all is crucial for achieving gender equality for sustainable development. However, establishing connectivity to hard-to-reach areas is challenging due to the cost and unreliability of infrastructure. Clear Blue's Smart Off-Grid power provides reliable, cost-effective infrastructure to bring connectivity to hard-to-reach regions. Through energy forecasting and remote management, Clear Blue's Smart Off-Grid power helps implement the connectivity services needed to establish gender parity across a variety of sectors.
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Sustainable Goal 6 - Clean Water and Sanitation

Ensure safe and affordable drinking water for all through investment in infrastructure, technology, and sanitation facilities.
How Smart Off-Grid Helps
800 million people around the world lack clean drinking water, and as of 2015, 2.3 billion lacked basic sanitation in total. IoT devices, and connectivity in general, can play a major part in the improving the provision of clean water and the management of sanitation facilities. IoT devices can be used to monitor water treatment and sanitation facilities, so that maintenance times can be improved and downtime eliminated. Connectivity can help facilitate electronic payments for clean water services. Smart Off-Grid enables reliable power anywhere in the world, and can power IoT devices to improve the management of water and sanitation facilities. Also, through reliable connectivity powered by Smart Off-Grid, more people will be able to access, and pay for clean water.
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Sustainable Goal 7 - Affordable and Clean Energy

To provide clean, renewable, affordable energy to all by 2030, by expanding infrastructure, upgrading technology, and investing in clean, renewable power.
How Smart Off-Grid Helps
10% of all people still lack electricity, mostly in rural areas of the developing world. More than half are in Sub-Saharan Africa. The share of renewable sources in global electricity generation reached 29% in 2020. Although it is expected to reach 30% in 2021, there is much progress to be made to ensure a clean energy future. Clear Blue’s core technology will be crucial in the global transition to affordable clean energy for all. Smart Off-Grid power fully replaces the need for diesel generators. IN addition, Smart Off-Grid delivers a TCO that is 40% lower than traditional off-grid systems. By delivering a solution with both a reduced CAPEX and reduced OPEX, Smart Off-Grid is able to deliver a clean, affordable energy future.
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Sustainable Goal 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth
Achieving full and productive employment for all men and women by 2030 in order to create sustained global economic growth.
How Smart Off-Grid Helps
In spite of great progress,
an estimated 172 million people were without work in 2018, a number that is
likely to increase by 1 million each year due to the sustained growth of the
labour force. Providing decent work is
essential for alleviating poverty, because 700 million workers worldwide still
lived in poverty in 2018, with less than US$3.20/day. Expanding connectivity across the globe
improves access to employment and economic opportunities and leads to better wages. Many remote communities have been
disconnected from the global economy due to a lack of reliable, affordable
connectivity infrastructure.
Clear Blue’s ability to provide connectivity
anywhere it is needed in the world through energy forecasting and remote management will open up a range of new employment
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Sustainable Goal 9 - Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure

Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation and entrepreneurship.
How Smart Off-Grid Helps
The COVID-19 pandemic has certainly highlighted the need for resilient infrastructure. However, especially in the developing world, inadequate infrastructure has left many without access to critical services. For example, 4 billion people do not have access to the internet, most of which are from the developing world, and 2.6 billion people in developing countries do not have access to electricity. Reliable, affordable power infrastructure is needed to provide connectivity and power the world's mission-critical infrastructure. Through the energy forecasting and remote management tools at the heart of Smart Off-Grid technology, power system CAPEX and OPEX can be reduced while maintaining reliability. Therefore, Smart Off-Grid delivers power with high reliability and a low TCO to support the world's mission-critical infrastructure.
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Sustainable Goal 10 - Reduced Inequalities
Reduce the widening inequality gap within and between countries.
How Smart Off-Grid Helps
In 2016, 22% of global income was received by the top 1% compared with 10% of income for the bottom 50%. According to the IMF, "the lack of universal and affordable access to the internet may widen income inequality within and between countries." For example, with more equal internet access, women in developing countries could fin better employment opportunities. To bring service to the millions of people who still lack connectivity, innovative solutions for network infrastructure are critical. Affordable power infrastructure that meets service availability requirements is essential to establishing connectivity in hard-to-reach areas. Through energy forecasting and management, Smart Off-Grid provides a CAPEX that is 40% lower than traditional off-grid power. Therefore, Smart Off-Grid is the ideal solution for connecting the unconnected and reducing global inequalities.
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Sustainable Goal 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities
Make cities and human settlements safe, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable.
How Smart Off-Grid Helps
In 2018, 4.2 billion people 55% of the population, lived in cities. By 2050, the world's urban population is expected to reach 6.5 billion. Although cities occupy just 3% of the earth's land, they account for 60-80% of the population. With a growing urban population, smart cities are on the rise, and "consistent connectivity is vital to the functioning of smart cities" (Smart Cities World). Smart Off-Grid power will be critical in supporting the development of smart cities as the urban population continues to climb. Smart Off-Grid technology provides low-cost, reliable power for mission-critical infrastructure anywhere in the world. Whether it is powering a telecom tower in a remote region, or a security camera in a crowded urban center, Smart Off-Grid power is the ideal solution for powering any mission-critical infrastructure. Smart Off-Grid power will help build sustainable, resilient cities for the future.
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